2011年9月13日 星期二

熱氣球升空 Reno Hot Air Balloon Festival 2011

上週末結婚週年慶, 老公帶我去了Reno慶祝, 主要是要去看我期待許久的熱氣球比賽哦~

Last weekend during our anniversary, my dear brought me to Reno to celebrate, mainly to attend the hot air balloon festival that I've been looking forward for so long~

Reno Hot Air Balloon Festival 2011

一共三天的比賽, 我們只是有時間去了星期天那一天.
上4點半就從hotel出發, 因為要趕上5點的Glow Show. 還好比賽場地Rancho San Rafael Regional Park就在大學旁, 免費開放停車場, 很方便~

The festival went on for three days, but we only have time to go for the Sunday event.
We left hotel at 4.30am to catch the 5am Glow Show. Luckily the event location Rancho San Rafael Regional Park just located next to the university which had opened up their parking lot for free, very convenient~

由於節目開始於清晨太陽還沒露臉, 所以以點燃的瓦斯照亮熱氣球的Glow Show, 隨著音樂一閃一閃的, 顯得特別明亮!

As the program began before the sun rise, so the burning flame in the hot air balloon, that turned on and off according to the rhythm of music, creating bright twinkle of lights!

之後就是由五隻熱氣球組成的Dawn Patrol了, 同樣也在天亮前起飛.

Following was the Dawn Patrol formed by five hot air balloons, which also flew before the sun rise.

太陽升空, 也就是節目重點的開始了!
由於當天也是9月11日, 為了紀念10年前的911災難事件, 所以還有懷念當年犧牲者的環節, 包括三隻特別為這而升空的熱球球, 還有空軍編隊飛行, 唱美國國歌, 頒發美國小旗子等等.

When the sun rise, is all the hits began!
As it was 9/11 on that Sunday, to commemorate the 911 tragedy, there were special tributes for this, including the three hot air balloon with this theme, air force flight formation, singing the America National Anthem, handing out the little America flag, etc.

比賽正式開始, 多達100隻的熱氣球起飛!
天空滿滿的彩色熱氣球, 真是漂亮, 我們當然也不錯過猛拍照留念囉~
當天看到最特別的熱氣球, 就是星級之戰裡面的Darth Vader,  還有Smokey Bear (可惜起飛不了), 熊貓, 足球還有Wells Fargo標誌的馬車.

The race began, hundred of hot air balloon took off!
It was so pretty that the sky filled with colorful hot air balloons, and for sure we didn't waste any minutes to capture these moments~
The special balloons that we saw were the Darth Vader from Star Wars, Smokey Bear (too bad it couldn't take off), Panda, Soccer Ball and the Carriage of Wells Fargo's logo.



I'm glad that we have spent a great weekend for our anniversary~
